
Katedra výrobních systémů » Konference2011


Wellcome to the 6th International Conference - Manufacturing Systems Today and Tomorrow.

Today's time is not easy for any of us. Companies are still faced with a decrease in job orders and their imbalances. In this period, planning and controls the company very difficult. Time demands systemic change. The focus must be placed on the complexity of the solution and the perception of the production system as a whole.

Innovation of products and processes, implementation of system changes - With all leads to growing links between activities with the academic sector - continue to increase requested expert consultations to address specific business problems, support for workshops and implementation.

The conference is based on the much needed synergies of people, technology and organization. Its aim is to support a holistic view of business processes, to show ways to solve business problems and help find suitable partners to address them.

The aim of the upcoming conference is in particular the exchange of experiences, the acquired knowledge can show you ways to solve your problems as well as help to find suitable partners.

Application for the conference.


Application_CZ.doc (109kb)